§ 146-30.1.  Application of net proceeds of disposition or use of real property allocated to the 4-H Camping Program.

(a) Limitation. - Notwithstanding G.S. 146-30 or any other provision of law, and subject to the limitations contained in any applicable deed, the net proceeds of any disposition of, use of, or activity on real property allocated to the 4-H Camping Program shall be used solely for the operation of the 4-H Camping Program, for the acquisition of real property for the 4-H Camping Program, or for the funding of an endowment to support these purposes. These proceeds shall not be used to pay any debt or other financial obligation owed to a State agency that arose prior to the effective date of this section.

(b) Definition of Net Proceeds. - For purposes of this section, the term "net proceeds" shall have the same meaning as in G.S. 146-30.

(c) No Supplanting of General Fund Support. - It is the intent of the General Assembly that appropriations for the 4-H Camping Program not be reduced as a result of the realization of proceeds under this section. Instead, the General Assembly intends that the amount of appropriations be determined as if no proceeds had been realized under this section. The Director of the Budget shall not decrease the recommended continuation budget requirements for the 4-H Camping Program as a result of proceeds being realized under this section.

(d) Proceeds Must Be Appropriated. - Nothing in this section shall be construed to appropriate the proceeds described in this section. (2014-100, s. 11.7(b).)