Chapter 43.

Land Registration.

Article 1.

Nature of Proceeding.

§ 43-1.  Jurisdiction in superior court.

For the purpose of enabling all persons owning real estate within this State to have the title thereto settled and registered, as prescribed by the provisions of this Chapter, the superior court of the county in which the land lies in the State shall have exclusive original jurisdiction of all petitions and proceedings had thereupon,  under the rules of practice and procedure prescribed for special proceedings except as herein otherwise provided. (1913, c. 90, s. 1; C.S., s. 2377.)


§ 43-2.  Proceedings in rem; vests title.

The proceedings under any petition for the registration of land, and all proceedings in the court in relation to registered land, shall be proceedings in rem against the land, and the decrees of the court shall operate directly on the land, and vest and establish title thereto in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. (1913, c. 90, s. 2; C.S., s. 2378.)


§ 43-3.  Rules of practice prescribed by Attorney General.

The Attorney General, with the approval of the Supreme Court, shall from time to time make, change, revise and revoke rules of practice in the superior court for the administration of this Chapter. He shall in like manner prescribe forms for use in such court, and in the notation of the registry of titles of memorials, claims, liens, lis pendens, and all other involuntary charges upon and to such registered lands. Whenever a question shall arise in the administration of this Chapter as to the proper method of protecting or asserting any right or interest under the law, and the method of procedure is in doubt, it shall be the duty of the clerk or register of deeds to notify the Attorney General, who, with the approval of the Supreme Court, shall prescribe a rule covering such case. (1913, c. 90, s. 31; C.S., s. 2379.)