§ 108A-147.3.  Aggregate health advancement assessment collection amount.

(a) The aggregate health advancement assessment collection amount is an amount of money that is calculated quarterly by adjusting the total nonfederal receipts for health advancement calculated under subsection (b) of this section by (i) subtracting the health advancement presumptive IGT adjustment component calculated under G.S. 108A-147.9, (ii) adding the positive or negative health advancement IGT actual receipts adjustment component calculated under G.S. 108A-147.10, and (iii) subtracting the positive or negative IGT share of the reconciliation adjustment component calculated under G.S. 108A-147.11(b).

(b) The total nonfederal receipts for health advancement is an amount of money that is calculated quarterly by adding all of the following:

(1) The presumptive service cost component calculated under G.S. 108A-147.5.

(2) The HASP health advancement component calculated under G.S. 108A-147.6.

(3) The administration component calculated under G.S. 108A-147.7.

(4) The State retention component under G.S. 108A-147.9.

(5) The positive or negative health advancement reconciliation adjustment component calculated under G.S. 108A-147.11(a). (2023-7, s. 1.6(b).)