SESSION LAW 2001-280




AN ACT to provide for the distribution of copies of the appellate division reports to the cherokee supreme court.



The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:


SECTION 1.  G.S. 7A-343.1 reads as rewritten:

"§ 7A-343.1.  Distribution of copies of the appellate division reports.

The Administrative Officer of the Courts shall, at the State's expense distribute such number of copies of the appellate division reports to federal, State departments and agencies, and to educational institutions of instruction, as follows:

Governor, Office of the                                                                                              1

Lieutenant Governor, Office of the                                                                           1

Secretary of State, Department of the                                                                       2

State Auditor, Department of the                                                                               1

Treasurer, Department of the State                                                                            1

Superintendent of Public Instruction                                                                         1

Office of the Attorney General                                                                                11

State Bureau of Investigation                                                                                      1

Agriculture and Consumer Services, Department of                                                1

Labor, Department of                                                                                                  1

Insurance, Department of                                                                                            1

Budget Bureau, Department of Administration                                                         1

Property Control, Department of Administration                                                    1

State Planning, Department of Administration                                                         1

Environment and Natural Resources, Department of                                               1

Revenue, Department of                                                                                              1

Health and Human Services, Department of                                                              1

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention,

Department of                                                                                                           1

Commission for the Blind                                                                                          1

Transportation, Department of                                                                                   1

Motor Vehicles, Division of                                                                                       1

Utilities Commission                                                                                                  8

Industrial Commission                                                                                              11

State Personnel Commission                                                                                     1

Office of State Personnel                                                                                           1

Office of Administrative Hearings                                                                             2

Community Colleges, Department of                                                                      38

Employment Security Commission                                                                           1

Commission of Correction                                                                                         1

Parole Commission                                                                                                     1

Archives and History, Division of                                                                              1

Crime Control and Public Safety, Department of                                                     2

Cultural Resources, Department of                                                                           3

Legislative Building Library                                                                                       2

Justices of the Supreme Court                                                                                   1 ea.

Judges of the Court of Appeals                                                                                  1 ea.

Judges of the Superior Court                                                                                      1 ea.

Clerks of the Superior Court                                                                                      1 ea.

District Attorneys                                                                                                        1 ea.

Emergency and Special Judges of the Superior Court                                             1 ea.

Supreme Court Library                                                               AS MANY AS REQUESTED

Appellate Division Reporter                                                                                       1

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill                                                              71

University of North Carolina, Charlotte                                                                    1

University of North Carolina, Greensboro                                                                1

University of North Carolina, Asheville                                                                    1

North Carolina State University, Raleigh                                                                  1

Appalachian State University                                                                                      1

East Carolina University                                                                                             1

Fayetteville State University                                                                                       1

North Carolina Central University                                                                           17

Western Carolina University                                                                                      1

Duke University                                                                                                         17

Davidson College                                                                                                         2

Wake Forest University                                                                                            25

Lenoir Rhyne College                                                                                                 1

Elon College                                                                                                                1

Campbell University                                                                                                  25

Federal, Out-of-State and Foreign Secretary of State                                              1

Secretary of Defense                                                                                                   1

Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare                                                             1

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development                                                         1

Secretary of Transportation                                                                                        1

Attorney General                                                                                                         1

Department of Justice                                                                                                 1

Internal Revenue Service                                                                                             1

Veterans' Administration                                                                                             1

Library of Congress                                                                                                     5

Federal Judges resident in North Carolina                                                                1 ea.

Marshal of the United States Supreme Court                                                            1

Federal District Attorneys resident in North Carolina                                             1 ea.

Federal Clerks of Court resident in North Carolina                                                 1 ea.

Supreme Court Library exchange list                                                                        1

Cherokee Supreme Court, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians                                1

Each justice of the Supreme Court and judge of the Court of Appeals shall receive for private use, one complete and up-to-date set of the appellate division reports. The copies of reports furnished each justice or judge as set out in the table above may be retained personally to enable the justice or judge to keep up-to-date the personal set of reports."

SECTION 2.  This act is effective when it becomes law.

In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 5th day of July, 2001.



                                                    s/ Beverly E. Perdue

                                                         President of the Senate



                                                    s/ Joe Hackney

                                                         Speaker Pro Tempore of the House of Representatives



                                                    s/ Michael F. Easley




Approved 2:35 a.m. this 13th day of July, 2001