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HOUSE DRH80506-LH-253  (4/18)







Short Title:     Add Wesleyan College to UNC System/Study.



Representative Daughtridge.

Referred to:





AN ACT to direct the board of governors of the university of north carolina to study the feasibility of making north Carolina wesleyan college a constituent institution of the university of north carolina.

The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:

SECTION 1.  The Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina shall study the feasibility of making North Carolina Wesleyan College a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina.  The study shall include all of the following:

(1)       Mission. - The Board of Governors shall evaluate the potential missions of the campus that would meet the academic and economic needs of the region, the State, and of the University System. The Board of Governors shall take into account the need to avoid duplication of curriculum and programs at other campuses, particularly those within the same geographic area, unless the need for duplication is warranted. The Board of Governors shall seek recommendations, suggestions, and comments from community leaders, educational experts, and business leaders in defining the mission of the new campus. Particular focus shall be placed on utilizing the campus in a manner that addresses both the economic and educational challenges of the region in a unique and focused manner, such as in the areas of science, technology, education, and economic development.

(2)       Cost. - The Board of Governors shall analyze the potential operating costs of the campus. Factors such as the mission, staff and faculty salaries, benefits, total faculty and staff levels, total projected student enrollment, facility needs, and tuition rates shall be taken into account.

(3)       Facility Needs. - The Board of Governors shall consider what additional facility needs there may be taking into account the proposed mission of the campus. Examples of those needs may be lab facility upgrades, new buildings to house an expanded student population, and associated infrastructure expansion.

(4)       Asset Transfer. - The Board of Governors shall obtain legal and financial analyses to determine if there are any restrictions attached to any of the College's assets (title to property, gifts to endowment, assets purchased with restricted grant funds, etc.) that would prohibit the transfer of the assets to the State. If there are restrictions, then the analyses shall also include the steps necessary to lift the restrictions and the costs of obtaining a clear title.

(5)       Liability Analysis. - The Board of Governors shall also obtain a legal analysis to determine whether there are pending liabilities against the campus or reasonably foreseeable future liabilities against the campus. If there are such liabilities, the legal analysis shall also address the action needed to avoid transfer of any liability to the State.

(6)       Transition of Current Students/Programs. - The Board of Governors shall consider how best to handle the transition of the currently enrolled student population, both on and off campus, into continuing or new curriculum programs during the conversion period.

(7)       Personnel. - The Board of Governors shall assess the employment status of current personnel to determine what, if any, contractual and other employment issues may arise in the conversion.

(8)       Legislative Action. - The Board of Governors shall determine the legislative action and statutory amendments needed to authorize and implement the conversion.

SECTION 2.  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for the 2006-2007 fiscal year to be used to conduct the study required by this act.

SECTION 3.  This act becomes effective July 1, 2006.