
Session Year 2016

All Utilities Summaries
Session Law SlSort1 SLSort2 Bill BillSort1 BillSort2 Summary
SL 2016-95 2016 0095 H630 H 0630 Drinking Water Protection/Coal Ash Cleanup Act.
SL 2016-90 2016 0090 H959 H 0959 Department of Transportation Proposed Legislative Changes.
SL 2016-94 2016 0094 H1030 H 1030 2016 Appropriations Act.: Sec.12J.2: Clarifying Changes/Telecommunications Relay Service.
SL 2016-23 2016 0023 S575 S 0575 North Carolina/South Carolina Original Boundary Confirmation.
SL 2016-118 2016 0118 S673 S 0673 Natural Gas Economic Development Infrastructure.
SL 2016-113 2016 0113 S770 S 0770 North Carolina Farm Act of 2016.: Sec. 18: Prioritize Swine and Poultry Renewable Energy Facilities in the Interconnection Queue.