SESSION LAW 2005-218
AN ACT adopting official state dances.
Whereas, clogging and shagging are popular dances that have entertained both participants and spectators in this State for decades; and
Whereas, clogging is a traditional American folk dance that developed during the Colonial period in the Southern Appalachian mountains of the United States; and
Whereas, clogging has been influenced by European, African-American, and Native American folk dance traditions; and
Whereas, clogging is characterized by distinct, dignified, and beautiful footwork performed by individuals, couples, and groups; and
Whereas, a number of clogging events and competitions are held across the State each year; and
Whereas, the shag is a form of swing dancing that evolved from the jitterbug and jump blues of the big band jazz era and originated at Carolina Beach during the 1940s; and
Whereas, the shag is most often associated with beach music, which refers to songs that are rhythm and blues based and, according to Bo Bryan, a noted shag historian and resident of Beaufort County, is a term that was coined at Carolina Beach; and
Whereas, rhythm and blues groups, such as Jimmy Cavallo and the Houserockers, bolstered the popularity of the shag during the 1940s when they performed in Fayetteville, White Lake, and other areas around the State; and
Whereas, today, the shag is a recognized dance in national and international dance competitions held across the United States; and
Whereas, North Carolina is home to some of the most successful national shag champions, including multiple championship title winners, including Charlie Womble, Jackie McGee, Michael Norris, LeAnn Best, and Sam and Sarah West; and
Whereas, North Carolina natives Clarice Reavis of Fayetteville and Harry Driver of Dunn are recognized as Queen of Shag and Father of Shag respectively; and
Whereas, numerous North Carolinians have been inducted into the Shaggers Hall of Fame; and
Whereas, North Carolina has the most beach music clubs in the nation and has a number of radio stations that depend solely upon the listenership of shag enthusiasts; and
Whereas, it is fitting to adopt clogging and shagging as official State dances; Now, therefore,
The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
SECTION 1. Chapter 145 of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new section to read:
"§ 145-24. Official State dances.
(a) Clogging is adopted as the official folk dance of North Carolina.
(b) Shagging is adopted as the official popular dance of North Carolina."
SECTION 2. This act is effective when it becomes law.
In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 13th day of July, 2005.
s/ Beverly E. Perdue
President of the Senate
s/ James B. Black
Speaker of the House of Representatives
s/ Michael F. Easley
Approved 2:06 p.m. this 20th day of July, 2005