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Representatives Carney, Owens, and Rapp (Primary Sponsors).

Referred to:




A HOUSE RESOLUTION creating awareness about the benefits of eliminating excessive dietary sodium intake and related supporting measures aimed at decreasing heart DISEASE and stroke.

Whereas, one in three American adults has high blood pressure and an estimated 99% of middle-aged adults will develop high blood pressure in their lifetime; and

Whereas, high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a major and modifiable risk factor for heart disease and stroke; and

Whereas, heart disease and stroke are the second and third leading causes of death in North Carolina; and

Whereas, in 2009, 31.5% of all North Carolina adults had been told by a health care provider that they had high blood pressure; and

Whereas, a high amount of sodium in the diet has been linked to high blood pressure and may also have other harmful effects on health, including increased risk for stroke, heart failure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, and kidney disease; and

Whereas, the 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends consuming less than 2,300 milligrams of dietary sodium per day and further reducing intake to 1,500 milligrams among persons who are 51 and older and those of any age who are African-American or have hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease; and

Whereas, Americans age 20 and older consume an average of 3,466 milligrams of sodium per day, which is about 51% above the recommended level and far exceeds the amount needed for good health; and

Whereas, the American Heart Association and others in the public health community strongly recommend a more aggressive standard of less than 1,500 milligrams per day of dietary sodium intake for all Americans; and

Whereas, the American Heart Association advocates for a stepwise reduction of sodium in the American diet to 1,500 milligrams per day by the year 2020; and

Whereas, it is estimated that if the population of the United States moved to an average intake of 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day there would be a 25.6% overall decrease in high blood pressure and $26.2 billion in health care savings; and

Whereas, the Stroke Advisory Council of the Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force has developed recommendations to support initiatives that advance public awareness of stroke risk factors such as high blood pressure; assist individuals in identifying their own risks; and move them to action to build healthier lifestyles, including reducing excessive sodium consumption; and

Whereas, the State's heart disease and stroke prevention program is planning to expand efforts to support consumers in making behavior changes to reduce sodium intake in a manner consistent with the 2010 dietary guidelines for Americans; Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:

SECTION 1.  The House of Representatives supports measures aimed at decreasing heart disease and stroke in North Carolina and encourages the State's citizens to reduce the sodium in their diets.

SECTION 2.  This resolution is effective upon adoption.